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  • 2. What is Microsoft 365

    In this section you will be introduced to Microsoft Office 365 and the platform's features, but to understand Office 365 you will need to understand cloud computing. 

    Cloud Computing

    The concept, cloud computing or internet computing, refers to online services such as data centres, storage and apps that are hosted on servers around the world and are usually made available on demand to the end user. 


     Video 3.1.1: Cloud Computing

    The benefits of cloud computing include the following:

    • Data, files, images or app statuses, are saved on secure servers and can be accessed from multiple devices such as your phone or laptop. 
    • Apps are always up to date.
    • You do not need a powerful desktop to use the apps.
    • Your work is saved automatically and usually have version control.
    • You can share and collaborate on your data in real time without sending a copy of the file. 

    Probably the most popular cloud computing platforms are Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365 apps. You can read more on the Google G Suite here and Microsoft Office 365 here.

    Microsoft Office 365

    In this OER we will work with the Microsoft cloud-based platform Office 365, and focus on creating documents with the Word app.


     Video 3.1.2: Office 365 Overview

    Microsoft Office 365 is a collection of online apps that in some cases can also be installed locally on your device. The most popular and the most useful apps available to you as a student includes:

    • Outlook – an email application for sending and receiving emails.
    • MS Word – a word processing program for creating and editing documents.
    • OneDrive – an online storage space for documents and media.


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  • Welcome

  • Getting Started

  • What is OneDrive

  • What is Microsoft Word

  • Creating an Assignment with Word Online

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